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McGill University File Download Area

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Please Note: The below papers are entries in a student design competition and are not
corrected with final edits. They should not be used as peer-reviewed references. Some
of these papers will be corrected and formally published in various SAE conference pro-
ceedings such as the SAE Small Engines Technology Conference or other SAE conferences.

Zero Emission Design Paper (PDF)

Zero Emission Oral Presentation (PDF)

Zero Emission MSRP (Excel)

Zero Emission Subjective Noise Event Audio File (WAV)

Zero Emission Snowmobile Description Form (PDF)

Internal Combustion Design Paper (PDF)

Internal Combustion Oral Presentation (PDF)

Internal Combustion MSRP (Excel)

Internal Combustion Emissions and Dyno Data (Excel)

Internal Combustion Subjective Noise Event Audio File (WAV)

Internal Combustion Snowmobile Description Form (PDF)

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